Sunday, October 4, 2009


The Ahinahina or Silversword plant like the one pictured in this 1973 photo is related to the aster,daisy and sunflower family. They grow only on the upper slopes of Haleakala on Maui between 7,000 ft. and the summit at 10,000 ft. Once plentiful it is now an endangered species due to feral pigs and goats plus human tramping and picking.
It takes about 7 - 20 years to mature then it sends up a central stalk sporting many drooping maroon flowers. The aroma can best be described as "musty spicey" similar to geraniums and the heads are sticky with nectar. The mature plant blooms only once in it's life cycle after which it expires. The blooming tends to be erratic with many in sight some years and other years almost none.
Come to Maui and visit Haleakala National Park sometime during July -September to see one of the worlds most unique plants.

1 comment:

  1. Please tell me that is not you!!!! Boy, the 70's styles are harsh to look at now. And why do men look better with age and women fall apart? So not fair.
